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Putt Putt Petanque!

What would happen if you combine two great pastimes, Petanque and Golf? No one knows, but let’s find out together!   Participants will design a hole by arranging obstacles (found in the clubhouse or brought from home) that players will throw in, over, or around before ending up in the target hole (throwing ring). Count the number of "strokes" it takes you to get the boule in each hole and add up your total at the end… Lowest score wins!  Prizes awarded for best round, snazziest golf attire, and most creatively designed hole.  Yes, we are just making this up as we go along!

After the round, we will retire to the clubhouse for food and drink while we tell lies and regale one another with our highlights from the rounds. (or whatever it is that Golfanquers do after a game). $5.00 per player for prizes.

Earlier Event: September 21
Club Bingo Challenge
Later Event: October 29
Halloween Panache